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Free manolin Fish farm management

Free Fish Farming Data Software for All

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Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 1.59.03 PM
Fish Farming Management Software

Free Features Your Team Will Love

Fish Health Icon

Find Issues Quickly

Quickly find out where issues are at salmon farms across the industry

Performance Icon

Discover Area Biomass

Find area biomass in your area, see fish weights at farms

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Track Generations

Find farms by generation, track historically how they've performed

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Make direct historical comparisons with other sites and generations

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Find fish health problem areas

Visualize Current Areas with Fish Health Issues

Find out where current problems are across the industry. With just a few clicks you can use our scoring to find out exactly where localized issues are across the country. With the Manolin Performance Index, farms can see exactly which sites has the highest combined health issues. As users zoom into specific locations of interest, Manolin's index results updated immediately to more localized metrics. 

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Get instant Site comparisons

The Only Free Platform That Estimates Fish Weight

Need to know how much fish biomass there is in your area? We've got you covered. Manolin is the only free software platform that allows farmers to find estimated fish weight across sites and compares to historical levels. Don't stop there! You can use Manolin to then plan treatments more accurately and resolving issues quicker. All for free.

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Locate & Track Farms

Effortlessly Find Aquaculture Data

Manolin makes locating farms and tracking their data effortless. Simply search by company, area, or site to get historical performance of sites organized by fish group. Access critical data and optimize decision making with conveniently automated public health summaries, total treatments, lice values, and aggregations - all in one platform.

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Accelerate Aquaculture Research with Data

Opt into a Research Study.
Get a free personalized report.

We're helping both farms and suppliers accelerate growth of aquaculture science for the future of the industry. With the help of our AI data modeling, companies can now streamline research like never before, enabling teams to conduct research in weeks, not years. Farms can easily opt into available research studies by submitting their data, and in return, get a personalized farm report on their farm insights after studies are completed.

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"One of the main reasons for our improvement is we’re acting much more quickly now than we used to. Manolin is a better overview, a better tool to monitor things like mortality, feeding rates, and sea lice."

Kristian Botnen, CEO, Lingalaks
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